First Things

Welcome to my new blog! Having been in and out of the blogosphere since my teens, I decided to start anew this February as my life has changed immensely in the last few months.

Please allow me to introduce myself:

My name is Hali (Hay-lee). I am a 25 year old wife and soon to be mother (August 2017!). I teach Theology at an all girls Catholic high school and also work as a Campus Minister there. I was recently married last fall (November 12th). On December 11th, I lost my only sibling, my sister Sara. Three days before losing her, and the day after the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, my husband and I learned we were expecting our first child. Needless to say, my life has been crazy the last few months. But, things are starting to chill out around here and I have had the chance to reflect on these experiences and the new perspectives on life they have given me. Therefore, I decided to start to blog about my life through this new lens. 

A few things about my life:
- I am 4 foot 10 inches! I love being short.
- I am married to my best friend (seriously), Murph 
- We have a dog named Hambone.
- I am 16 weeks preggo with baby #1 - we find out the sex on March 29th. 
- I teach sophomores and seniors.
- My husband and I are practicing Catholics and love our faith. 
- We use the Marquette Method of NFP
- I have a deep interest in natural women's health, period positivity, being free from the pill etc. which I am sure I will talk about often on here. 
- We live simply - we recycle as much as possible, compost, reduce/reuse. We use reusable versions of nearly everything and are constantly trying to better our impact on the earth.
- We live in a 900 sq. ft home in the city of Saint Louis, near the Budweiser Brewery. Our limited space requires us to be creative in organization. 
- We strive to be better social justice advocates.
- I am a Catholic feminist. 
- We love live music, beer, and food. 
-My husband has a wonderful beard. 
- I have a Chi Rho tattoo and look forward to adding more. 
- I am a super nerd, I love Harry Potter, LOTR, the Legend of Zelda, Doctor Who, and Star Wars among so many other things. My husband is a big Game of Thrones fan.

This blog will touch on these topics as well as many others! I am so excited to begin this adventure and I hope you enjoy my content! I am open to any constructive criticism :) Nice to meet you! 


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